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Do People Still Worship Greek Gods?

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Some people still worship Greek gods, while others do not believe in them at all. It is ultimately up the individual to decide what belief system they choose. But most people don’t know much about the gods and beliefs they believe in.

Ancient Greeks believed gods were perfect

Ancient Greeks believed that there were many gods. They believed each one had a different control over human life. The Greeks prayed to their gods for help and left offerings at special temples. They believed that the gods could be happy and that they would have bad luck if they became angry. To honor the gods the Ancient Greeks built shrines or temples all throughout their cities.

While the Greek gods had their own individual personalities, they were essentially the same as human beings. During the Trojan War, the Greek gods sided with the Greeks, and the Trojans opposed them. In other myths of ancient Greek myths the gods had human qualities, and had families and close relationships.

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They believed that the gods had human qualities

The Greek people believed that the gods were mortal, but they also believed that they were not entirely good or evil. Their gods were kind and cruel, but they preferred to treat others with kindness than cruelty. Zeus, along with his wife Hera, were the supreme power couple and rulers among the gods. They were also good to each others.

Priests, who were responsible for performing religious ceremonies and serving the gods, are now inviolate. Priests were not the only ones who served gods. However, they had knowledge of the Greek religious laws and rituals. In addition, citizens could consult exegetes, who were state officials who were knowledgeable about religious affairs. Women could also serve as priests. They were often virgins and had not gone through menopause.

They believed that gods were compassionate

Hellenism, a religion that has existed for over two thousand years, is one of the oldest. This religion is also called Dodekatheism or Greek ethnic religion and involves worshipping the gods of ancient Greece. There are many Greek gods.

The pity myth is a wonderful example of Greek gods' compassion towards humans. Demeter's cult offers humans the opportunity for immortality through ritual and ethical living. This story illustrates the power of compassion as well as the importance of reconciliation.

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They believed that the gods were perfect

It may surprise you to learn that people still worship Greek gods. There are around a hundred thousand Hellenistic Greeks living who worship the old Gods. These people include leftist academics as well as right-wing Greek nationalists. They include both environmentalists as well as new age types. Some even organize Zeus-themed all-night revels. The powerful Orthodox Church of Greece accuses pagans of idolatry and new age practices.

Although most Greeks identify themselves with Orthodox Christians, many Greeks still believe that the Greek gods are real. Polytheists often adopt Greek names or use the old calendar. These people share little with most Greeks but at least 100,000 are interested in the ancient religion.


Do People Still Worship Greek Gods?